8212 43 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta

Scissor Lift V.S. Boom Lift

Scissor Lift V.S Boom Lift

     Today, let's talk about two types of equipment that can be game-changers when it comes to working at heights: scissor lifts and articulating booms. If you've ever wondered about the differences between these machines and which one to use for your project, then you've come to the right place. So, sit tight and let's dive into the world of scissor lifts and articulating booms! Scissor lifts are vertical machines that lift workers straight up and down, with criss-crossing metal supports that resemble a scissor pattern. These lifts are ideal for indoor work or tasks that require working in a fixed location, such as installing light fixtures, painting walls, or performing maintenance tasks. They're also great for jobs that require a large work platform, like installing ductwork or running conduit.

     On the other hand, articulating booms are designed for jobs that require workers to reach over obstacles or work in hard-to-reach areas. These machines have an extendable arm that can rotate 360 degrees, allowing workers to access difficult-to-reach areas. Articulating booms are perfect for outdoor jobs, like tree trimming, building maintenance, or construction tasks that require reaching over large obstacles.

     When it comes to choosing between these two machines, it really depends on the job you need to do. If you're working indoors or in a fixed location, a scissor lift is your best bet. However, if you need to reach over obstacles or work in hard-to-reach areas, an articulating boom is the way to go. It's worth noting that there are different types of scissor lifts and articulating booms available on the market, each with unique features and capabilities. For example, some scissor lifts are electric and can be used indoors without the need for ventilation. Others are designed for outdoor use and can handle rough terrain. Articulating booms also come in different sizes and with different features, like rotating baskets or telescoping arms.

     At the end of the day, choosing the right construction equipment can make all the difference in the success of your project. So, if you're considering renting a scissor lift or articulating boom for your next project, make sure to consult with a reputable dealer who can help you choose the right machine for your needs.

Thanks for reading, and happy building!